Plugin - Genesis eNews Extended

Why would I use the plugin?

Using the Genesis eNews Extended plugin will allow you to collect subscribers using a form that matches your website’s theme. Feedburner, MailChimp, Aweber, FeedBlitz, ConvertKit, and Constant Contact are confirmed to work with this plugin. 


Here are the fields you’re going to fill in in the Genesis widget:

1. Form Action

This is the URL for your form. All you’ll need for this step is to find the form ID. You can find this by looking in the address bar in the form editor and copying the string of numbers:

Then simply replace the numbers in the following URL with your form ID numbers:

Paste this new URL into the Form Action field in the Genesis eNews widget.

For example, the Form Action for the form mentioned above would be:

2. E-Mail Field

Add the following text (don’t forget the underscore!):


3. First Name Field

Add the following text :


4. Last Name Field

Leave this one blank.

That's it! The other fields can be customized or left blank.

In the end, your Genesis widget should look something like this:


Here are the fields you’re going to fill in in the Genesis widget:

1. Form Action

This is the URL for your form. All you’ll need for this step is to find the form action. You can find this by looking in the embedded from code:

Simply copy the link that's inside of <form action> It will look like this

Paste this new URL into the Form Action field in the Genesis eNews widget.

2. E-Mail Field

Add the following Merge Tags:


3. First Name Field

Add the following text:


4. Last Name Field

LNAME or Leave this one blank.

That's it!

In the end, your Genesis widget should look something like this:


Here are the fields you’re going to fill in in the Genesis widget:

You can get the information directly from your form. 

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