Chadwick - Block Collection

If you're not using the Chadwick child theme but purchased the block collection. You'll need to add some code to obtain some of the elements that are coded directly into that theme. 

Image Borders

Start at the Customizer then click on Additional CSS (feel free to change the outline color hex code)

.inside-border img {
	outline: 1px solid;
	outline-offset: -25px;
	outline-color: #fff;

Sidebar Shortcode

There are two ways this can be done. One will be to add the code directly to your function.php file. The second is to install a plugin called Code Snippets

add_shortcode( 'widget_area', 'custom_widget_area_shortcode' );
 * Registers a shortcode to output a widget area with shortcode.
 * @return string
function custom_widget_area_shortcode( $atts ) {
	$atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'name' => 'Sidebar' ), $atts, 'widget_area' );
		dynamic_sidebar( $atts['name'] );
	return '<div class="widget-area-wrap"><div class="site-container">' . ob_get_clean() . '</div></div>';

Blog Post Background

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