Chadwick - Blog Page Layout

Chadwick has 3 blog page layouts:

  1. Full
  2. Grid
  3. List

These layouts can be used on the homepage (if you choose to display your blog feed on the homepage), or on a separate blog page.

Setting up only Blog Posts as your HomePage 
Add blog feed to the homepage

  1. Go to Settings > Reading.
  2. Under Your Homepage Displays, select Your Latest Posts.
  3. Save changes.

Change the blog layout on the homepage

To change the layout of the posts on the homepage, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts/Page Layout > Archive Layout

Setting up the default Blog Archive

Add blog feed to the homepage

  1. Go to Settings > Reading.
  2. Under Your Homepage Displays, select A Static Page.
  3. Save changes.

Change the blog layout on the blog page

To change the layout of the posts on the homepage, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts/Page Layout > Archive Layout.

To create the layouts use these settings. 



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